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What is the PancakeSwap liquidity protocol?

What is the PancakeSwap liquidity protocol?

PancakeSwap is a liquidity protocol operating on BNB Chain, which has recently emerged as a cheaper and faster alternative to Ethereum.

PancakeSwap provides its customers with the ability to swap between digital currencies by tapping into user-generated liquidity pools. The protocol also offers DeFi farming solutions for liquidity providers, including functionality for customized liquidity pools.

Liquidity providers collect rewards in the protocol’s token, CAKE, which can also be staked in the Syrup pools. CAKE’s total value locked (TVL) was at $6.6 bln in late August 2021 and the market cap was $5.4 bln, according to CoinMarketCap.

Issues with PancakeSwap

Newbies will likely struggle to use PancakeSwap and its complicated tools. This can be a complex, time consuming and often difficult process to figure out.

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September 2020

A group of anonymous developers founded PancakeSwap and launched its token CAKE.

October 2020

PancakeSwap’s lottery was launched where participants can win CAKE tokens by purchasing tickets with their CAKE tokens. As long as you match two or more numbers in the correct position, you can win a reward.

November 2020

PancakeSwap’s platform for Initial Farm Offering (IFO) was launched and handled its first IFO sale for the BLINK token.

April 2021

The PancakeSwap Prediction Market was rolled out. This option system allows customers to speculate on market movements, whether the market goes up or down.

June 2021

An analysis panel that provides detailed and accurate data was integrated. In partnership with StreamingFast, the protocol integrated a streaming service to develop a new board that is almost 60 times faster than before, thus ensuring a live data stream, faster development, iteration and production times.

Integrated protocols
