One-stop access
to decentralized finance
Liquidity sources
Total volume
Optimize your trades across hundreds of DEXes on multiple networks
1inch products
1inch Swap
Swap across any chain
1inch Swap
Swap across any chain
A tool for swapping tokens across any network and placing on-chain limit orders securely, at the best rate.
1inch Wallet
The most powerful mobile app for managing your assets and exploring Web3.

1inch Portfolio
A cutting-edge tracking tool offering accurate, detailed and well-organized crypto portfolio information.

1inch Card
A physical & virtual card for digital assets.

Build your own Web3 solution
integrate 1inch APIs via 1inch Developer Portal

Securing Compliance in DeFi
1inch is dedicated to advancing a secure and compliant DeFi ecosystem. By uniting with forefront security and compliance specialists, we set the standard for safety and compliance, ensuring our users navigate the DeFi space with confidence.