1inch Liquidity Protocol
Earn with 1inch by providing liquidity to pools and collect extra rewards in 1INCH tokens for participating in liquidity mining programs.

Receive APY on your staked assets
To receive APY from your crypto assets, you can simply provide liquidity to 1inch liquidity pools. Liquidity providers collect APY and rewards on assets locked in pools.
Total trading volume
Total LP earning
1INCH distributed via liquidity mining programs
Choose 1inch liquidity pool
6.94% Pool APY
48.01% 1INCH Farming APY
61.73% OPIUM Farming APY
5.67% Pool APY
13.99% 1INCH Farming APY
17.96% LDO Farming APY
Participate in liquidity mining programs
To participate in liquidity mining programs and earn 1INCH tokens, you need to be a liquidity provider to one of the 1inch pools supported by the program.