Swap ETH to MNT at the best rate

Exchange ETH [Ether] for MNT [Mantle] with ease. Experience a smooth and hassle-free swapping process that delivers optimal rates and efficiency. With 1inch Fusion, benefit from zero gas fees and MEV protection, safeguarding your transactions from front-running and sandwich attacks. Access liquidity sourced from the entire market, allowing for quick and efficient swap executions.

Moreover, the groundbreaking upgrade, Fusion+, offers secure and self-custodial cross-chain swaps – simply choose your desired tokens and chains. Our user-friendly interface simplifies the process for everyone, from crypto novices to experienced traders.



 / Mantle

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Other swap options with ETH

Looking beyond swapping Ether into Mantle? Explore a range of other crypto pairs featuring Ether. Get best rates, fast execution and cross-chain flexibility – all with top-tier security.

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How to swap ETH to MNT on 1inch?

Learn how to swap ETH to MNT

Fill in swap details: In the 1inch dApp, enter the amounts in the 'You pay' and 'You receive' fields. Opt for auto settings: For a hassle-free experience, use all the auto settings set by default. Execute the swap: Click 'Permit and Swap' and approve the transaction if necessary.

To customize your swap, read these full articles for detailed instructions. Classic mode, Fusion mode

What tokens can I swap on 1inch?

Users can swap a wide range of tokens across all supported blockchains, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Aurora, BNB Chain, Base, Fantom, Gnosis, Kaia, Optimism, Polygon and zkSync. If your token isn't listed, you can manually add it using its contract address.

Read the full article for more details.

What is Fusion+?

Fusion+ a breakthrough upgrade of 1inch Fusion, offering seamless, secure and self-custodial cross-chain swaps. It allows users to swap any tokens across L1 and L2 networks without paying gas fees, ensuring their transactions are MEV-protected. With Fusion+, users retain full ownership of their assets throughout the process, without the need to trust any third party.

What is 1inch?

1inch is a leading DeFi project that started as the first liquidity aggregator and has since grown into a versatile ecosystem of Web3 products and tools, empowering users and developers with cutting-edge technological innovations.

  • The 1inch Swap: an innovative solution for swapping crypto across chains at the best possible rates.
  • The 1inch Fusion+: seamless, secure and self-custodial cross-chain swaps.
  • The 1inch Wallet: a mobile app providing a full Web3 experience with advanced security.
  • The 1inch Portfolio: a tool for unified tracking of Web3 asset performance.
  • The 1inch Card: a physical debit card for spending digital assets.
  • The 1inch Developer Portal: SaaS platform offering software services.

What is ETH?

What is ETH?

Ethereum (ETH) is the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum platform. It’s the world’s second biggest cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin. ETH is used for paying fees in all applications operating on the Ethereum network, such as, for instance, swap fees charged on token exchanges. With ETH, you can buy various tokens of the same standard, ERC-20. To learn more on ETH, see: https://ethereum.org/en/eth/

Read the full article for more details.

How to connect or disconnect my wallet?

How to connect:
  1. Go to https://app.1inch.io.
  2. Click "Connect wallet" in the top right.
  3. Choose your wallet from the popup.
  4. Tap "Connect."
To disconnect:
  1. Click your address in the upper right corner.
  2. In the Accounts panel, click the "disconnect" icon.

Read the full article for comprehensive guidance.

1inch Fusion


MEV protection

Fusion shields users' swaps from MEV by ensuring direct transaction matching with resolvers - professional market makers. Fusion swaps are placed in a bundle with other orders to be included in the block. This strategy effectively protects individual transactions from MEV.


Gasless swaps

Fusion eliminates the need for users to hold network tokens to pay for gas. Resolvers cover the network fees when executing Fusion swaps.


Smart execution

Fusion ensures orders are filled within a specific price range, moving from high to low, which incentivizes resolvers to compete for order fulfillment. Users have the flexibility to set their preferred rate and duration limits or can opt for the "Auto" preset. Additionally, they have the ability to control the execution speed of their orders.


Optimal efficiency

Fusion employs the Dutch auction approach to optimize swap execution. Swaps are divided into smaller parts, and resolvers partially fill these orders, effectively reducing the price impact. This continues until the order is either fully executed or hits the set rate limit. This approach often results in trades executed above the market's average rate, maximizing the value for users.

1inch Fusion+

Fusion+ cross-chain swaps

Fusion+ enables seamless, secure and self-custodial swaps across multiple blockchains. Built with security by design, this upgrade allows users to swap across any chain, benefiting from gasless and efficient transactions while maintaining full control of their assets.
